Guard Your Heart Purity Dinner

Guard Your Heart Purity Dinner

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guard Your Heart Purity Dinner Proverbs 4:23

A few months ago I was asked to speak at a Purity Dinner at a church my friend worked at. She was planning an event for the teen girls there to pledge to keep themselves pure and abstain from sex until they get married.
 If you know me well you know my desire to share my story and help girls realize how valuable they are to God and why they should wait to have sex until they are married. If you don't know me well let me just say that God showed up in my life in a big way and used a series of very unwise choices to shower me with love and grace. I can not begin to express how grateful I am to Him for the life He has set before me. And because of His Love I feel called to share my story with others to help girls realize how God intended us to live.
 So, back to the dinner. It was set up beautifully with lots of girly decor and candles.
My friend Amber from was there to take pictures of all the girls who came dressed up in their fancy dresses. She also took the 2 beautiful pics that are below on my blog. The one with the verse is just beautifully done and the second is the verse underlined in my bible from when I was a girl.  That verse being underlined has special meaning to me. I did not just underline while I was preparing for the event. This verse was underlined by me when I was young. While studying I felt lead to look through my old bible and that is when God brought me to that verse. It was then I knew I had my main verse for the evening!!!
 This was my first time talking in front of a group that was not very small or informal so I was very nervous and I will not say it went perfect by any means. But it is over and now hopefully my nerves will be calmer each time. If not that will not keep my from trying again and again!
 To highlight the special night a sweet girl that was there had drawn me a picture that I still have and plan on putting in a frame for my office (aka: desk in my closet.) LOL
 Though I do not know what the future holds in regards to sharing my story I am am excited. Now comes the patience and looking to God for guidance part. If you have some extra time please pray for me in this journey. Thanks! Paige 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww what a sweet post Paige! I have heard that it is not our mistakes in life that define us, but rather what we do with them and how we grow from them. I think that it is beautiful that you are allowing God to use you and your past to impact the lives of young women!