Guard Your Heart Purity Dinner

Guard Your Heart Purity Dinner

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

I am not big a big Valentines day gal but maybe that is because I have a husband that makes me feel so loved every day! On that note I think it is so important to teach our kids to be loving.
So today hearing my kids say Happy Valentines day was very sweet! I have two little boys who I am hoping to raise to be as loving and sweet as my husband. So, today they made valentines cards and took them with candy down to our two favorite little girls down the street! It was very sweet! I am hoping to get a picture uploading to go along with this post!
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

A rundown of the past year

So, I am going to just highlight a few things from our last year.
The obvious is we had lots of birthdays and lots of fun. B
Brandon had an a spy themed party, Gavin had a knight and castle party and Lindsey celebrated her first birthday!
We just finished an awesome Christmas/New Year season and we are currently working our way through February.
Brandon is playing Basketball and Gavin will starting his first team sport, Soccer!!!
Lindsey is running around having a blast chasing after the boys.

This year daddy built us a great playground that is a lot of fun! It was also a lot more work than he bargained for and it is all mommy's fault. Gotta love craigslist!!!!

We went on two beach trips and it was really neat to see the kids react to all the new things there! Even Lindsey loved the sand and since she was not walking crawled around like a crap in it!
When we went to Hilton Head we got to ride bikes on the beach and Brandon loved that part!

Brandon started a new school called Cornerstone. It is a mix of homeschooling and private school. God has blessed us that we can send him to a Christ centered school where he can learn and also have the values we have reinforced! Brandon also got to play flag football for this school!

well the kids are crying so that means that is all the updating for now!
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